Interesting Psychology Facts About Human Psychology You Need to Know Part 2
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In a span of 3 hours, you could be wrongly convinced that you committed a crime in your teenage years.
2. Thinking in another language makes your decision sound more rational.
You tend to be less discerning about money in your native tongue. In other words, the language you use affects your decisions.
3. Asking ‘Will I?’ is more motivating than saying ‘I Will.’
A study from the University of Illinois suggested that asking goal-related questions to yourself could motivate you more than declaring it to be true.
4. A rule too strict would only get you to break more.
Psychologists found how this ‘reactance’ phenomenon affects people’s perception of rules. Not only would they want to break a certain rule that takes certain freedom away; they would also break more aside from that.
This might be the part of psychology facts behind a teenager who is not allowed to use a phone in class would even chew gum in the act of doing so.
5. Your dreams are more meaningful than your conscious thoughts.
Among all of the dreams you have had, 70% of it contains secret messages. It means that they bear more importance and worth than the things you think in your conscious.
6. Having a plan B would only make plan A less likely to work.
The University of Pennsylvania held a series of experiments that revealed that volunteers who prepared a backup plan before starting a task did worse than those who did not. Team Plan B realized that having options made their motivation to succeed the first time drop.
While it is good to think ahead, keeping those plans vague first could make you be more successful.
7. Fear is an actually good feeling if you are not really in danger.
There are people who love scary movies and there are those who do not, and the difference might be in their hormones. Such activities give you adrenaline, dopamine, and endorphins from a fight-or-flight response.
However, your brain knows that you are not in real danger, so you still get that natural high despite how scared you feel.
8. You tend to care more about a single person rather than about massive tragedies.
Another one from the University of Pennsylvania, this study had one group learn about a starving little girl, another group learn about starving millions and a third group who learned about both situations. The results showed that people who heard about the little girl donated more than twice the amount than when they heard the statistics.
Psychologists believe that although you would willingly help a person, you would conclude that your little part could not do much when a problem seems too big.
9. You would prefer anticipating something bad over not knowing what to expect.
Researchers found that something negative that is about to happen is less stressful to grasp than not knowing how things will end up.
The consequences-predicting part of your brain becomes more active when you have no idea what to expect.
10. Returning a favor is in your nature.
Good manners could not take credit over the ‘rule of reciprocity.’ This brain command programs you to want to help someone who helped you.
It might have developed with the goal of keeping the smooth flow of society.
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